I truly enjoy hand shaping surfboards.
Maybe I’m an idealist. Definitely a glutton for punishment, and probably a workaholic. When I was little I always assumed that ‘things’ were created by the people who’s names were on them - not so much major commodities like toilet paper or cars, more like the ‘things’ that were really special to us. The art that I was surrounded with, the house I was raised in, the go-karts my brother and I hurt ourselves in; All came from the hands of people I knew, and the community that I was surrounded by; Those things shaped my ideals - It became the framework of what I wanted if I was to put my name on something.
When I turned 19 I started building my own surfboards because I couldn't afford the ones I wanted to try. A couple years into an obsessive compulsion to make more boards for myself, I saw what would have been a ridiculous notion becoming a possibility; I started to realize this could be a real thing for me and something that I could try to support myself with through my last two years of college. I figured I better follow through with this thought while it was at my finger tips and people were stoked on my work because if it actually worked, it would be the biggest stroke of luck - and if I failed, at least I tried. When I made the decision to give it an honest shot, I told myself I’d stop when I wasn’t having fun anymore - I’m just shy of 20 years in now, and hand shaping surfboards is still the best part of my day.
That initial leap in 2005, and that promise to myself, has given me opportunities I never thought possible. Boards of mine have shown up in the pages of surf publications that I worshiped growing up; In 2016 I was invited to participate in and won the Icons of Foam Tribute to the Masters Shape Off dedicated to Gerry Lopez - a contest which I have held in the highest regard since its inception. I shaped over 5,000 custom boards by hand by 2019, and started Trimcraft Surfboards which is dedicated to hand shaping and sharing the craft of hand shaping.
I am humbled and beyond fortunate to have grown into such a supportive community of friends and customers. It has allowed me a life building things with my hands, the most amazing gift I could have dreamed. I try my best to pay that forward and share what I can when and with whoever I can, and remain an open book for new adventures and challenges. Thank you for taking the time to look into my world and allowing me to build water toys for a living.
-Ryan Lovelace
Surfer Magazine / 2013
Though I don’t do all of my own glassing anymore, this is a really cool look back at a really foundational time for me.