This model started as a more 'surfable' alternative to the ToobShooter. Shaped for a handful of friends going on surf trips where they didnt want shortboards, but their average alternative boards (fishes and mid-lengths) we're going to be a bit too much to handle (think from Maldives, Indonesia and shifty to average beachbreaks). It features a more modern foil than the ToobShooter, a nice and relaxed rocker that is continuous through the tail, allowing it much better versatility in all kinds of waves, and more turnability than it's point-and-shoot counterpart. The Burner, I would consider my best all-around surfboard. Usually set up as a 2+1 or quad, it works great as a bonzer, singlefin and even, surprisingly, a twin keel, depending on your preference.
On the small end, Burners work great from 5'8 to 6'3 as a pocket-happy little shredder that really likes round turns.
The 6'4 - 6'8 range is where this board was created and seems most versatile for travel and average to advanced surfers.